
Goosebumps: The Vanishing (2025)
When twins Devin and Cece are sent to spend a summer in Gravesend, Brooklyn with their divorced dad, scientist Anthony Brewer, they must band together with new friends to save the neighborhood from a long-dormant threat.
Released: 2025-01-10
Casts: Ana Ortiz, Anthony J. Sharpe, David Schwimmer, Debra Lawrance, Elijah M. Cooper, Fabian Kocięcki, Francesca Noel, Galilea La Salvia, Gordon Ramsay, Grzegorz Palkowski, Jakub Nosiadek, Jayden Bartels, Jerry Springer, Kamil Nożyński, Karol Pocheć, Krystian Pesta, Leeanna Walsman, Marta Żmuda-Trzebiatowska, Matt Day, Michał Filipiak, Mila Jankowska, Rahel Romahn, Rob Collins, Sam McCarthy, Stephen Peacocke, Wojciech Zieliński,
Duration: min
Status: Ended
Production: Greg Haddrick, Gregor Jordan, Klaudiusz Kuś, Nicholas Stoller, Rob Letterman, Samantha Winston
Season 1 - Jan. 10, 2025