exception (2022)
In a distant future where humans are forced to leave Earth, a spacecraft carrying a 3D-printed crew of specialists is sent to terraform a new planet.
Released: 2022-10-13
Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Documentary, Drama, Family, Kids, Mystery, Reality, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Casts: Adam Kirschner, Ali Hillis, Ana Sani, Banjo Wright, Carlos Arellano, Deven Mack, Eugene Byrd, Eugenio Mastrandrea, Gigi Saúl Guerrero, Ian Hanlin, Jonathan Dylan King, Kaia Wright, Lorenzo Pozzan, Matt Wright, Nadine Nicole, Nolan North, Paride Benassai, Peter Kelamis, Robbie Daymond, Roberta Riganò, Rodney Gardiner, Ruby Kammer, Saad Siddiqui, Sade Giliberti, Sue Perkins, Tabitha St. Germain, Tatiana Penfold, Ty Olsson, Will Arnett, Zoe Saldana,
Season 1 - Oct. 13, 2022