
The West Wing Season 6 Episode 10
A senator attaches a rider to the federal budget bill that would ban gay marriage, almost daring the President to veto it, as the physical infirmities of Bartlet’s MS become more pronounced. The Internet is rampant with a story that questions CJ’s sexual orientation, and it is only fueled further when CJ refuses to dignify the allegations by putting out a statement. Donna joins the Vice President’s senior staff, and heads for New Hampshire to start up Russell’s presidential campaign there. And Santos decides that he will run for president after all, but only if Josh will leave the White House to manage his campaign.
Season 1 - Sep. 22, 1999
Season 2 - Oct. 04, 2000
Season 3 - Oct. 10, 2001
Season 4 - Sep. 25, 2002
Season 5 - Sep. 24, 2003
Season 6 - Oct. 20, 2004
Season 7 - Sep. 25, 2005